Hi, guys, I have installed the ardrone dirver on my laptop and I am having a few problems when when using it with Ardrone 2.0.
1) After running the driver, I used this command **rostopic echo /ardrone/navdata**, what I find is that the **altd** and **vz** are always 0 while vz, vy are updating.
2) It is found that the **video_channel** parameter either being 1 or 0, the image is always published to the **/ardrone/front/image_raw** and **/ardrone/image_raw**. The **/ardrone/bottom/image_raw** topic always has nothing.
3) I have a node subscribing to the **/ardrone/image_raw (callback1)** and **/ardrone/imu (callback2)** topic. I set up a counter that is incremented by 1 in the callback2 function. In the callback1 function, I first print the counter and then set it to 0. What I notice is that the counter value varies a lot. I mean the IMU data is published at 200Hz and the image at 20 Hz. the counter should be around 10, right ?
I really appreciate it if anyone can help with these issues.